A Few Things to Discuss With a Divorce Lawyer When You Make Your First Call

When you call a divorce lawyer, you may be very angry and emotional and not thinking of what should actually be discussed about your impending divorce. You also may be so quick to dissolve your marriage that you aren't considering the best way to approach your divorce in order to protect yourself, your rights, and your property. Note a few things you want to discuss with a divorce lawyer when you make your first call so you ensure the best success with the entire process.

Ask if you need to be separated from your spouse

In some areas, you need to be separated from your spouse for a certain time before you can actually file for divorce. This reduces the number of divorce proceedings that are filed by couples who then had second thoughts about splitting up. If you do need to be separated, note if that means physically separated or if you're allowed to still live in the same house. You may be allowed to stay in the same house as long as you can show that you live separate lives. It's vital that you know this information, as you may need to move out or otherwise do what's necessary to show the courts you've been living separate lives, and failure to do this can mean a delay in actually filing for your divorce.

Ask how to handle the bank accounts

You may not be legally allowed to just drain the bank accounts you have with your spouse when you file for a divorce, especially if there are children involved. However, your attorney might also advise you on how to keep your spouse from taking and hiding assets. Be sure you ask about this so you don't make any hasty decisions but also protect your own financial interests in the marriage.

Ask what records to keep

If your spouse is verbally abusive to you or the children, note if you should keep phone messages they leave, records of conversations with your children, and the like. Very often these types of records can be useful in court, especially if you want to file for sole custody of the children based on this abuse. Your attorney might also advise you to keep records of when you visit the children if they're not in your care and if your spouse has denied you the right to see them. If he or she tries to testify in court that you're a negligent parent, you might need to produce those records of your attempts to visit. Whatever the need for records, ask your attorney what you should start tracking and how it can be used in your divorce proceeding.  
