Reasons To Hire A Family Lawyer When Adopting

Your family lawyer is a reliable partner when you intend to adopt a child. Usually, child adoption is an intensive process in most jurisdictions; hence legal representation would come in handy. This piece details how a family lawyer can help you as you plan an adoption. 

Assessing Your Eligibility  

Not everyone qualifies to adopt a child in Australia. According to the law, eligible applicants must be at least 18 years. If you are a married couple that intends to adopt in Australia, your union should have lasted for at least three years. Moreover, one of you should be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. You will also be required to allow contact between the child and their biological parents. When conducting an overseas adoption, your lawyer examines the adoption regulations of the other country. For instance, some countries could have specific rules regarding single parents, same-sex couples or the age of the applicants. This assessment saves you a lot of trouble since you do not need to make an application if there is a high likelihood that your application could get rejected. 

Your lawyer also helps you evaluate the various adoption options. For example, you may wish to offer foster care before receiving full adoption rights. In this case, you would want to know whether you can be the child's adoptive parent. Most prospective adoption candidates are concerned about their rights after adopting the kid. For example, can you change the child's name? Understanding the adoption legalities prevents you from unknowingly breaking the law or denying the child's rights after adoption 

Preparing You For Interviews

Although your family could be looking forward to bringing in a new family member, the government needs to examine the child's best interests before allowing you to adopt the child. Your lawyer should guide you on the adoption process to ensure you do not miss any steps. For example, you must attend general information and education sessions to ensure you are well acquainted with the realities of child adoption. Your layer advises you on the agencies accredited by your local government to organise these sessions. 

Your lawyer then prepares you for adoption interviews and assessments. For instance, the adoption agency would want to evaluate your family's religious beliefs, cultural practices and worldview to determine whether the child placed in your care is the right fit. Moreover, you must provide your financial and employment information to prove that you can take care of the child. The adoption agency also assesses your family and social ties to know whether the child will have a seamless time interacting with the new family and friends. 
